Time & Location
Feb 26, 2023, 12:30 PM – 2:30 PM
Rehoboth, 243 Winthrop St Anawan Grange Building next to Century 21, Rehoboth, MA 02769, USA
About the event
Join Patricia Mellman Proprietress of Mercury Rising Astrological Services in an interactive class to review and acknowledge the year 2023. You will work with your own natal charts as we review and examinme the energies that the outer planets bring to us. We will examine your personal charts as well as the USA to examine trends and possibilities for the year ahead and how we can individually and collectively make the most out of 2023. The class is $35.00. E-mail Patricia Mellman with your date, time and place of birth mamapatsm@aol.com in advance of the class so your natal chart can be printed and ready on the day of class.